PayPal Integration in laravel and Vue js

I wanted to share what I’ve learned in the hopes of saving keyboards around the world from abuse. Setting Up PayPal 1.The first thing you need to do is set up your PayPal business account and get a sandbox setup, which is a little more confusing than it should be. After you make an account, […]

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Build a web application with Laravel and Vue – Part 5: Creating a simple Trello clone using Laravel and Vue

In previous chapters of this series, we considered a couple of concepts useful for developing modern web applications with Laravel and Vue. In this final part, we are going to combine all the concepts from the previous parts into building a Trello clone using Laravel and Vue. Here is a screen recording of what the […]

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Build a web application with Laravel and Vue – Part 4: Creating Vue applications in Laravel

In the last tutorial, we talked about how you can create API endpoints in a Laravel application. We also explored how you can take it a step further by integrating tests into the application. In this part 4 of the tutorial series, we are going to change our point of view, slightly overused pun intended, and […]

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Build a web application with Laravel and Vue – Part 3: Testing your application’s API endpoints

In the last chapter, we looked at how to make RESTful API Endpoints. The next thing we will consider is how to test the application’s endpoints before releasing it for public consumption. This is useful because it makes sure that throughout the lifetime of the application, you can be sure that the API works as expected. […]

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Build a web application with Laravel and Vue – Part 2 : Creating our endpoints with REST in mind

In the last tutorial, we looked at how to successfully set up a development environment preparing us for PHP Development. Through the rest of the series, we will be building a simple “Trello Clone”. In this tutorial, we will take a closer look at how setting up out application “RESTully” will play a role in us building […]

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Build a web application with Laravel and Vue – Part 1: Setting up your environment

In this series, we are going to walk through building modern web applications with Laravel and Vue. We will go from the basics, setting up your environment, to more technical concepts like building endpoints RESTfully and even testing your endpoints. In this chapter, we will be setting up an environment for PHP development, Laravel to be specific. […]

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How to use routing in Vue.js to create a better user experience

Vue.js is a great JavaScript Framework created by Evan You. It’s used to build single web page apps and flexible components, and it’s one of the most required skills in Front End Web development. You can learn more about Vue.js here. Vue.js provides a bunch of features that allow you to build reusable web components. Routing is one […]

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How to use Vue-Router ?

Introduction In a JavaScript web application, a router is the part that syncs the currently displayed view with the browser address bar content. In other words, it’s the part that makes the URL change when you click something in the page, and helps to show the correct view when you hit a specific URL. Traditionally […]

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